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[vsnet-recent-ugz 12553] HL CMa recent (cont'd)

HL CMa recent (cont'd)

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20021008.765   118  (Rod Stubbings)
  20021009.119   115  (Michel Verdenet)
  20021009.178   117  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20021009.628   116  (Rod Stubbings)
  20021010.732   116  (Rod Stubbings)
  20021011.181   116  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20021013.122   108  (Michel Verdenet)
  20021013.176   117  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20021018.182   122  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20021019.182   132: (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20021020.354  <130  (Mike Simonsen)
  20021025.212   121  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20021025.590   118  (Rod Stubbings)
  20021025.642   118  (Rod Stubbings)
  20021026.192   119  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20021027.205  <135  (Jose Ripero)
  20021028.194   119  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20021028.225  <135  (Jose Ripero)
  20021028.562   120  (Rod Stubbings)
  20021031.312  <130  (Mike Simonsen)
  20021101.415  <130  (Mike Simonsen)
  20021101.719  <122  (Rod Stubbings)
  20021102.165  <130  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20021102.997  <128  (Maciej Reszelski)
  20021103.835   138  (Andrew Pearce)
  20021104.823   138  (Andrew Pearce)
  20021105.812   133  (Andrew Pearce)
  20021106.214   123  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20021106.510   118  (Rod Stubbings)
  20021106.580   118  (Rod Stubbings)
  20021107.601   118  (Rod Stubbings)

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