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[vsnet-outburst 4518] CCD observations of RXJ0558.3+6753 obtained at CBA Belgium Observatory (Sep 13/14)

Dear colleagues,

An unfiltered CCD observing session of the poorly known CV RXJ0558.3+6753,
held tonight (Sep 13/14, 2002) at CBA Belgium Observatory using a 0.35-m
f/6.3 telescope and ST-7 CCD, reveals a light curve without large amplitude
modulations. I have posted the light curve on my web site (see address
below). The object currently is undergoing a long outburst (see vsnet-obs

It will be interesting to follow the present outburst and to keep an eye on
the possible development of hump-like modulations.

BTW : my web site also has an animated series of images of J002E3. It was
first supposed to be an asteroid in an Earth orbit, but now turns out to be
a leftover Saturn IV-B stage from the Apollo 12 mission.

Kind regards,
Tonny Vanmunster
CBA Belgium Observatory
email : Tonny.Vanmunster@cbabelgium.com
website : www.cbabelgium.com

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