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[vsnet-outburst 4269] DH Aql outburst confirmed

DH Aql outburst confirmed

    As reported by R. Stubbings, the SU UMa-type dwarf nova, DH Aql 
is now in outburst. 

In [vsnet-outburst 4268]
> DH Aql outburst
> AQLDH          020727.426   126  
> AQLDH          020727.442   126  
> Regards,
> Rod Stubbings

    We, the Kyoto team, have confirmed this outburst through our 
CCD time-series observation started at July 27 13:30 (UT).  
Our rough estimation yields Rc=12.56 for DH Aql.  The magnitude 
may indicate a superoutburst.  The last outburst was reported 
to VSNET on 2001 October 20, and the last superoutburst was reported 
on 2000 July 31 (12.6mag).

    The detailed studies for superhumps and their evolution 
have still not been performed for this object.  Time-series observations 
are encouraged.

Makoto Uemura

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