Forwarded message: > From Mon Mar 3 09:32:16 1997 > Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 09:32:16 +0100 (MET) > From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <> > Subject: Returned mail: Host unknown > To: > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----- =_aaaaaaaaaa" > > ------- =_aaaaaaaaaa Observations for March 2, 3, 1997 Observer : G.Comello, Roden, the Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG) Instrument : 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10 Conditions : Good, now and then high clouds "Inner Sanctums" Star Date UT Mag code CASTY 970302.87 14.1 CMG CASRR 970302.87 14.7 CMG CASS 970302.87 13.8 CMG CASY 970302.87 14.9 CMG TAUV 970302.87 14.2 CMG TAUZ 970302.88 13.8 CMG TAUSU 970302.88 14.7 CMG Obs. of Szentesko (11.8) in vsnet-alert in errror, this is not a flare star! ORIV 970302.88 14.4 CMG PERR 970302.89 14.0 CMG CMIWX 970302.89 14.5 CMG LEORS 970302.92 14.6 CMG LEOS 970302.92 14.1 CMG AURAA 970302.93 14.8 CMG GEMS 970302.93 14.1 CMG GEMV 970302.94 13.9 CMG GEMBE 970302.95 14.7 CMG CNCYZ 970302.97 14.5 CMG CNCU 970302.97 14.4 CMG CNCRR 970302.98 14.5 CMG LYNU 970302.98 14.5 CMG LYNS 970302.98 14.5 CMG CEPX 970302.99 14.9 CMG AURST 970302.99 14.0 CMG DRAY 970302.99 14.5 CMG HERW 970303.00 13.7 CMG LYNRT 970303.01 13.9 CMG DRAX 970303.03 15.6 CMG DRAZZ 970303.03 14.6 CMG DRASV 970303.03 13.8 CMG "Misellaneous" GEMU 970302.91 11.1 CMG CNCSY 970302.97 13.2 CMG CAMZ 970302.97 12.9 CMG -- Georg Comello | Tel. : (31)-50-363405 Kapteyn Laboratorium | Fax : (31)-50-3636100 University of Groningen | E-mail: P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen | The Netherlands | -- Georg Comello | Tel. : (31)-50-3634050 Kapteyn Laboratorium | Fax : (31)-50-3636100 University of Groningen | E-mail: P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen | The Netherlands |