Observations for September 28th/29th 2003 Gary Poyner Birmingham England E-mail garypoyner@blueyonder.co.uk http://vsnet.garypoyner.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/varstars.html Instrument: 35cm SCT Star UT Mag -------------------------------------- Aur SS 29.024 <15.2 Cam AF 28.931 <15.1 Cep FX 28.934 <15.4 Dra AB 28.933 13.8 active Dra MN 28.935 <15.4 Lyr AY 28.974 13.6 Outburst Lyr LL 28.976 <15.0 Lyr MV 28.980 12.3 Lyr V344 28.977 <15.0 Lyr V358 28.979 <15.1 Lyr V493 28.981 <15.1 NSV 25966 28.938 <15.4 Peg IP 29.022 <14.1 Per DY 28.929 10.6 Per TZ 28.928 13.2 active Per UV 28.927 <15.6 Per UW 28.928 <15.3 Sct V475 28.806 10.1 UMi Z 28.932 14.3 recovering Very clear with heavy dew later. * First light with new SCT telescope. Very weird! End
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