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[vsnet-obs 46593] Observations August 29th

Variable Star Observations by John S. Day
Instruments: B10*50, B20*80
Charts: BAAVSS
Location: Leicester, England. 52.626N,  1.21W
E-mail: johnstuart.day@physics.org
PCObs Version 1.4 - VSNET Format
Observation file created by JSD on 30/08/03 at 09:43:52
CRBR    030829.8521  6.3  DJS   JSD    Start of fade??                       
CYGCH   030829.8563  8.1  DJS   JSD                           
DRAAG   030829.8590  9.8  DJS   JSD                           
HERAC   030829.8549  7.7  DJS   JSD                           
PEGAG   030829.8604  8.9  DJS   JSD                           
SCTR    030829.8535  5.6  DJS   JSD                           
VULV    030829.8576  9.5  DJS   JSD    Deep min.

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