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[vsnet-obs 44745] KWO 030411

CAMWY           20030411.817   11.4   KWO  
CEPTY           20030411.820   12.0   KWO  
CEPTZ           20030411.807    9.3   KWO  
DRAAG           20030411.797    9.9   KWO  
DRAAO           20030411.835   10.7   KWO  
DRABG           20030411.839   10.7   KWO  
DRADO           20030411.824  <12.5   KWO  
LYNV            20030411.794    9.2   KWO  
TAURY           20030411.803   10.3   KWO  
TAUCQ           20030411.811   11.0   KWO  
UMIZ            20030411.829   11.8   KWO  

Observations by Wolfgang Kriebel (KWO)
Instruments: C8, 4"-Refr., 7x50

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