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[vsnet-obs 44234] Observations March 23

Variable star observations for March 23.
Observer: Reinder J. Bouma (AAVSO-code BMU).
Instrument: 25.4-cm Jones-Bird reflector.
Sequences: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise.
Conditions: clear.

Object    date (UT)         magn.  code  remarks

UMIZ      20030323.833      12.3   BMU
CAMZ      20030323.835      11.2   BMU
ANDRX     20030323.836      11.0   BMU
LEOR      20030323.84        9.1   BMU
LEOX      20030323.839      12.4   BMU
GEMU      20030323.840       9.8   BMU   seq. Tycho-2
CRBR      20030323.969      10.8   BMU   seq. Tycho-2
Reinder J. Bouma    e-mail (1): rjbouma@wxs.nl or rjbouma@planet.nl
Bekemaheerd 77      e-mail (2): comets.nl@12move.nl
9737PR Groningen    homepage: http://vsnet.shopplaza.nl/astro/
The Netherlands     phone: +31 (0)50-5418227

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