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[vsnet-obs 43433] SNe information from IAUC 8068

SN2003ag  20021227.4  <190:C  KAI
SN2003ag  20030207.5   165:C  KAI
SN2003ag  20030208.3   163:C  KAI

# A host galaxy of SN 2003ag (11:26:01.82, +1:59:02.8 (J2000.0),
# offset = 12" due east) is UGC 6440, a barred-spiral (SB(rs)bc)
# galaxy.  The SN is located between bright arms.  The reported
# maxnitude is consistent with the expected maximum for typical SN Ia.

SN2003ah  20030129.2  <185:C  KAI
SN2003ah  20030208.2   173:C  KAI
SN2003ah  20030209.2   170:C  KAI

# A host galaxy of SN 2003ah (4:43:08.54, +0:46:00.4 (J2000.0), offset
# = 7"W, 7"N) is an anonymous edge-on spiral galaxy, which is located
# about 1' north of a pair of galaxies UGC 3141.  The SN is
# superimposed on the outermost disk region.  If the host galaxy is
# the same distance as UGC 3141, the expected maximum for typical SN
# Ia is mag about 16.0. 

SN2003ai  20020616.3  <190:C  KAI
SN2003ai  20030208.5   170:C  KAI
SN2003ai  20030209.3   169:C  KAI

# A host galaxy of SN 2003ai (13:00:58.68, +39:51:24.5 (J2000.0),
# offset = 8" due south) is IC 4062, an apparent elliptical(?) galaxy
# and a probable member of the cluster AWM 6. The discovery magnitude
# is consistent with (but possibly slightly brighter than) the
# expected maximum for typical SN Ia.

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