Observer: Erwin van Ballegoij Location: Heesch, the Netherlands e-mail: Instrument: 318 mm f/4,8 Dobsonian, 8x50 finder Sequences: AAVSO, unless mentioned otherwise Conditions: Good transparancy and seeing. -------- ------------ ----- --- ---------- Star Date Magn. Obs Remarks -------- ------------ ----- --- ---------- CMIR 20021110.02 10.9 BVE CMIS 20021110.02 8.8 BVE CMIT 20021110.02 13.5 BVE CMIU 20021110.03 10.2 BVE CMIV 20021110.02 11.2 BVE CNCR 20021110.04 6.7 BVE 8x50 CNCSY 20021110.034 12.6 BVE CNCV 20021110.03 11.5 BVE GEMR 20021110.00 7.1 BVE GEMS 20021110.01 13.4 BVE GEMT 20021110.01 13.8 BVE GEMV 20021110.00 9.0 BVE GEMX 200211010.00 12.7 BVE LEPR 20021110.01 9.4 BVE LEPRX 20021110.01 5.8 BVE 8x50 LEPX 20021110.02 11.0 BVE -------- ------------ ----- --- ----------