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[vsnet-obs 40318] Observations

Observations for June 21, 2002
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, Teh Netherlands
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Conditions : very clear with moon, later high clouds

Star      Date UT        Mag    code

CRBR      20020621.933   5.9    CMG  10x50 finder
HERDN     20020621.93   11.0    CMG
LYRUU     20020621.93   12.7    CMG
LYRAN     20020621.93   11.5    CMG
LYRCE     20020621.93   13.7    CMG
CYGSS     20020621.941   8.4    CMG
LYRAB     20020621.94   11.1    CMG
CYGDW     20020621.94   12.4    CMG
UMARR     20020621.94   10.2    CMG
DRAAG     20020621.944   9.9    CMG
CAMZ      20020621.94   13.3    CMG
DRAY      20020621.94   14.5    CMG
CYGKM     20020621.95   11.6    CMG
CYGLX     20020621.95   13.5    CMG  difficult, clode double with 131
SGEV      20020621.951  10.9    CMG   
VULPU     20020621.952  11.6    CMG
VULBD     20020621.95   11.2    CMG
UMARS     20020621.96   13.6    CMG
UMIZ      20020621.959  11.1    CMG
SGESV     20020621.960  11.6    CMG
HERSU     20020621.96   14.4    CMG
LYRSS     20020621.96   12.7    CMG
LYRU      20020621.96   11.0    CMG  vey bad sequence
ANDBU     20020621.97   10.8    CMG
CASX      20020621.97   10.2    CMG
CASUX     20020621.97   10.8    CMG
CEPUY     20020621.97   11.5    CMG
CEPAX     20020621.98   12.3    CMG
PEGRU     20020621.979  11.8    CMG
AQLES     20020621.980  11.8    CMG
DRAV      20020621.98   14.3    CMG   
Georg Comello                           | Tel.  : (31)-50-3634050
Kapteyn Laboratorium                    | Fax   : (31)-50-3636100
University of Groningen                 | E-mail: comello@astro.rug.nl
P.O. Box 800,  9700 AV Groningen        |
The Netherlands                         |