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[vsnet-obs 40135] [vsnet-obs] SN Data

Estimate magnitude CCD

SN2002cr 20020603.924 149CR Nic
BS NGC5468-6 G 3.6" 260s
SN2002cs 20020531.930 156CR RPo
OT 140 A 3.0" 600s

Nic|J. Nicolas|fr|0.23-m f/3.4 reflector|KAF-400|PRISM
RPo|R. Poncy|IAU 177 fr|0.25-m f/2.7 reflector|KAF-400|PRISM

For your convenience, we add, for a few days, the following explanations
about the format. They will be later replaced by a link to a web page
with the same content.

The comment field for each measure, if present, contains six fields:
    - used sequence (OT = Odd Trondall Image, AH = Arne HENDEN sequence)
    - comparison star(s)
    - measure method (A = Aperture, G = Gaussian Fit)
    - FWHM (arcsec)
    - total exposure (s)
    - SN elevation (°)

For each observer, the description contains 6 fields:
    - VSNET code
    - first and last name
    - location (fr = France)
    - instrument
    - CCD type
    - software used for measures

Software SNWeb provided by Jean-Claude PELLE ( jcpelle@mail.pf )

Obs 635 Perpignan (France)

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