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[vsnet-obs 39442] SN observation from IAUC 7875

SN2002ce  20020410.878  163:C  ARB

# The position of SN 2002ce is reported as R.A. = 8h33m22s.1, Decl. 
# = +29d32'01" (2000.0).  From this coordinates, the offsets are
# calculated as about 12" west and 18" south of the 2MASS position of
# the center of NGC 2604, a somewhat nearby spiral (SB(rs)cd) galaxy
# with a complicated central resion.  This SN is spectroscpically
# classified by the CfA team as of normal type II, in the early phase.
# SN was not present on Arbour's image taken on Apr. 5.2.  In average,
# normal SN II is about 2 mag dimmer than the typical SNeIa, so the
# expected  maximum of this SN is mag about 15.9, neglicting the
# extinction in the host galaxy.

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