There was a huge mistake due to a change of date. Please delete the following report (vsnet-obs 38839) CAReta 20020307.010 53 OSE CARl 20020307.013 3.91 OSE CARS 20020307.010 70 OSE CARCK 20020307.009 70 OSE CAREV 20020307.009 70 OSE CARHR 20020307.008 72 OSE CARV341 20020307.000 64 OSE CENV771 20020307.003 64 OSE CENV810 20020307.006 51 OSE CENV913 20020307.005 66 OSE CMAkappa 20020307.992 3.59 OSE CMAomega 20020307.992 3.69 OSE CMAKV 20020307.981 71 OSE DORR 20020307.976 54 OSE DORAR 20020307.976 70 OSE GEMzeta 20020307.014 3.73 OSE GEMeta 20020307.015 35 OSE GEMmu 20020307.015 29 OSE HIP038226 20020307.000 67 OSE LEPS 20020307.984 63 OSE LEPRX 20020307.979 65 OSE LEPYY 20020307.983 57 OSE MONV838 20020307.990 72 OSE ORICK 20020307.985 62 OSE ORIV1261 20020307.981 68 OSE PUPL2 20020307.995 65 OSE PUPV406 20020307.002 76 OSE PUPV438 20020307.997 60 OSE VELAH 20020307.999 56 OSE and replace it for: CAReta 20020308.010 53 OSE CARl 20020308.013 3.91 OSE CARS 20020308.010 70 OSE CARCK 20020308.009 70 OSE CAREV 20020308.009 70 OSE CARHR 20020308.008 72 OSE CARV341 20020308.000 64 OSE CENV771 20020308.003 64 OSE CENV810 20020308.006 51 OSE CENV913 20020308.005 66 OSE CMAkappa 20020307.992 3.59 OSE CMAomega 20020307.992 3.69 OSE CMAKV 20020307.981 71 OSE DORR 20020307.976 54 OSE DORAR 20020307.976 70 OSE GEMzeta 20020308.014 3.73 OSE GEMeta 20020308.015 35 OSE GEMmu 20020308.015 29 OSE HIP038226 20020308.000 67 OSE LEPS 20020307.984 63 OSE LEPRX 20020307.979 65 OSE LEPYY 20020307.983 57 OSE MONV838 20020307.990 72 OSE ORICK 20020307.985 62 OSE ORIV1261 20020307.981 68 OSE PUPL2 20020307.995 65 OSE PUPV406 20020308.002 76 OSE PUPV438 20020307.997 60 OSE VELAH 20020307.999 56 OSE Apologies to all, Sebastian. --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.325 / Virus Database: 182 - Release Date: 20/02/02