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[vsnet-obs 38811] P Magnitude of variable stars

Those are the measures of several variable stars on two images
centered on Gamma Ori, taken with an unfiltered 200 mm lens, f/3.5, on a 35
mm film Fujy NPH 400, exposure 3 minutes.

ORIV435=GSC 113:1060 12.5-14.5 P SRA TYPE

ORIV435 20020106.818 12.591p TSc (+/-0.48)
ORIV435 20020106.835 12.72p TSc (+/-0.27)

ORIV998=GSC 705:228 12.6-13.12 B UV TYPE

ORIV998 20020106.818 10.811p TSc (+/-0.39)
ORIV435 20020106.835 10.725p TSc (+/-0.43)

NSV02064=GSC 705:420 13-14 B LB TYPE

NSV02064 20020106.818 10.538p TSc (+/-0.32)
NSV02064 20020106.835 10.527p TSc (+/-0.28)

ORICK=GSC 122:1238 5.9-7.1 V SR TYPE

ORICK 20020106.818 6.251p TSc (+/-0.27)
ORICK 20020106.835 6.372p TSc (+/-0.56)

ORIGS=GSC 105:2010 12.7-13.7.1 P LB TYPE

ORIGS 20020106.818 10.142p TSc (+/-0.37)
ORIGS 20020106.835 10.211p TSc (+/-0.29)

ORIFO=GSC 105:2342 9.5-10.3 P EA/DS TYPE

ORIFO 20020106.818 9.785p TSc (+/-0.53)
ORIFO 20020106.835 9.854p TSc (+/-0.64)


Toni Scarmato

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