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[vsnet-obs 38668] RE: [vsnet-chat 5123] Re: (fwd) RV: Observations of 02/21/2002

Taichi Kato wrote :
----- Original Message -----
From: Taichi Kato <tkato@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 5:56 AM
Subject: [vsnet-chat 5123] Re: (fwd) RV: [vsnet-obs 38590] Observations of 02/21/2002

> Re: [vsnet-chat 5120] (fwd) RV: [vsnet-obs 38590] Observations of 02/21/2002
> Dear Maciej,
>    Well, things are not so simple.  If confusion with a nearby star is the
> main cause, one would expect a similar number of *brighter* observations
> before outbursts.  However, the reality is that these observations are
> predominantly seen after outbursts of some specific observers.  We probably
> need a better (psychological??) explanation of the phenomenon...
>   More examples:
Dear Kato.san, dear vsnet-observers
Although I dont't like to begin  discussions with people about mistakes in my variable star observations, I would like to point out the following questions  :
  1. I don't understand comments of Kato.san about "Psychological" reasons for wrong etimations in variable magnitude estimations
  2. All Professional astronomer should remember that we aren't professional and that we try to harmonize our work, personal and family life  with our astronomical observations (I still  remember the complaint of Palomar Ob. astronomer's for not observing SN 93J  the first night after the discovery due at our wrong estimations of SN offsets)
  3. In my own case, I made variable observations after 12-15 work  hours (I left my home at 8 a.m. and came back 10,30 p.m) After dinner, I made these observations before going to sleep  (sometimes I send  my observations to VSNET at 1-2 a.m.)
  4. With these questions, I don't expect to justify mistakes  in my observations. I assumed these errors and I think that if observations are wrong, they should simply be removed  from VSNET variable´s list.
  5. I suppose that other observers also have made wrong observations, included Japanese observers (Watanabe Monday night fever, fading of V 838 Mon). For these reason I think that observations mistakes are made by observers worldwide, not only in a "special" parts of the world.
  6. I think that Kato-san only pays attention to errors, but not in succeful reporting of outburst, peak SNE maximum, nova outbursts, etc of worldwide observers.
  7. I believe that such as I quoted before, that wrong observations should be eliminated from VSNET list, and also that people shouldn't make "foolish" statementss about reasons of these wrong estimations...
  8. Finally,  I wouldn't like to "add fuel to the flames" about these questions. I enjoy  astronomical observations too much and will continue to make them. I will try to double check my visual estimations, but in all observations there is uncertainty (i.e. weather conditions, observer's skill, experience and physical conditions, instrumental, etc.) and for theses reasons I think that confirmed wrong estimations in regular observers worldwide should be excused.
  9. As someone said who was much wiser than me "to err is human, to forgive divine"...
Excuse me for long email all vsneters
Sincerely, clear and dark skies for all

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