Variable star observations for February 16. Observer: Reinder J. Bouma (AAVSO-code BMU). Instruments: 25.4-cm Jones-Bird reflector, 10x40R and 15x80B. Sequences: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise. Conditions: very transparent sky. Object date (UT) magn. code remarks GEMU 20020216.777 9.4 BMU MONV838 20020216.778 8.1 BMU UMIZ 20020216.782 11.2 BMU CAMZ 20020216.783 10.7 BMU CYGSS 20020216.785 12.2 BMU ANDZ 20020216.787 10.4 BMU ANDRX 20020216.790 13.8 BMU CMAHL 20020216.795 11.2 BMU UMAZ 20020216.80 7.0 BMU UMAS 20020216.80 8.5 BMU UMAT 20020216.80 8.7 BMU UMARS 20020216.80 11.0 BMU UMAR 20020216.81 10.8 BMU PERGK 20020216.810 12.9 BMU LEOX 20020216.814 12.7 BMU ------------------------------------------------------------------- Reinder J. Bouma e-mail (1): or Bekemaheerd 77 e-mail (2): 9737PR Groningen homepage: The Netherlands phone: +31 (0)50-5418227 -------------------------------------------------------------------