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[vsnet-obs 36455] SN observation (GNo)

>From: "George Normandin" <GeorgePN@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Supernova 2001ed  in NGC 706


   This is one of three sn's I took last night. I've finally had a chance to
return to imaging sn's. Unfortunately, I'll be out of town and unable to
process the other two until sometime next week.

   I had some difficulty identifying the supernova. It is (was?) in a bright
knot in a spiral arm and I'm not really sure if my image shows the sn or
just the bright knot. Take a look and let me know your opinion.

   Assuming that this is the sn, I measure the magnitude to be 16.4 as of
1:10 UT on October 19, 2001.

   Oh ya, the link is: http://vsnet.kopernik.org/images/archive/n706.htm

Clear skys,
George Normandin

SN2001ed  20011019.049  164C  GNo

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