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[vsnet-obs 36001] 2001 Sep. 12-22 UT (GRL)

Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section

Variable star observations from 2001 Sep 12-22 UT

Observer: Bjorn H. Granslo (GRL).
Location: Blindern, Oslo (before midnight) & Fjellhamar, Norway.
Instruments: 254-mm f/4.5 reflector (M254), 203-mm f/10 SCT (C203),
  152-mm f/5 reflector (M152), 70-mm f/5.8 refractor (L70), 7x50
  binoculars (B7x50), naked eye (NE).
Magnitude references: CCD-V by A. Henden, V-magnitudes from
  Hipparcos, Tycho-2 and Yale (5th ed.) catalogues, visual
  magnitudes from AAVSO and BAA.VSS charts.
Observations: Visual, Pogson step estimates.
Conditions: Generally partly cloudy to cloudy.

Object     YYYYMMDD(UT)   Mag  Obs  Instrument  Ref     Notes
UMACH      20010912.925  11.3: GRL   M152;60x   TYC2    (1)
CRBT       20010912.93   10.4  GRL   M152;60x   TYC2
VULV       20010918.91    8.5  GRL   M152;60x   TYC2
SGER       20010918.91    9.4  GRL   M152;60x   TYC2
CYGSS      20010918.90   12.1  GRL   M152;60x   Henden
DRAAG      20010918.91   10.1  GRL   M152;60x   TYC2
CRBT       20010918.91   10.5  GRL   M152;83x   TYC2
CASrho     20010919.07    4.7  GRL   B7x50      HIP
CEPT       20010919.07    7.1  GRL   B7x50      HIP
PERX       20010919.07    6.4  GRL   B7x50      HIP
GEMU       20010920.13  <13.1  GRL   C203;287x  Henden
CNCSY      20010920.135  11.6  GRL   C203;100x  AAVSO   Outburst
CYGV2275   20010920.141  11.8  GRL   C203;100x  Henden  Active
CAMZ       20010920.14  <13.0  GRL   C203;287x  AAVSO
CYGSS      20010920.14   12.1  GRL   C203;100x  Henden
LMIR       20010920.14    9.3  GRL   C203;100x  TYC2
LEOR       20010920.16    9.3  GRL   C203;100x  TYC2   Low, twilight
MONU       20010920.16    6.2  GRL   L70;24x    HIP    Low, twilight
CETomicron 20010920.13    3.1  GRL   NE         Yale5   Near maximum
OPHRS      20010920.85   11.6  GRL   M152;167x  BAA
CRBT       20010920.85   10.5  GRL   M152;60x   TYC2
SCTR       20010920.85    6.0  GRL   B7x50      HIP
CRBR       20010920.85    6.1  GRL   B7x50      HIP
CYGSS      20010920.85   12.2  GRL   M152;60x   Henden
CRBS       20010920.85    9.3  GRL   M152;60x   TYC2
SGEWZ      20010920.857 <13.3  GRL   M152;167x  Henden
CYGV2275   20010920.859  12.0  GRL   M152;60x   Henden  Active
SGEWZ      20010922.865  13.8: GRL   M254;254x  Henden  (2)
CYGV2275   20010922.867  12.0  GRL   M254;91x   Henden
CRBT       20010922.87   10.4  GRL   M254;91x   TYC2
CYGSS      20010922.87   12.2  GRL   M254;91x   Henden
CAMZ       20010922.878  12.5  GRL   M254;254x  AAVSO   Active

(1) CH UMa was seen in outburst. Magnitude uncertain due to
poor sequence and cloud interference.

(2) An object was seen at the correct location. It was seen
near threshold (due to a rather poor seeing and bright sky
background) and was clearly (about 4 steps) fainter than
GSC 1621-1322 (V = 13.41).

                                    Yours sincerely,
                                    Bjorn H. Granslo

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