Obs. : Erwin van Ballegoij, Oranjestad, Aruba, Dutch Carribean AAVSO-ID: BVE Instr. : 11.5 cm f/8 Newtonian e-mail : ballegoy@setarnet.aw all used sequences: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted Observations for August 31 atmosph.: bad transparancy and moderate seeing. Moon and some clouds star date [UT] magn. Obs. Remarks ----- ---------- ----- ---- ------- CYGCH 010831.108 7.8 BVE CYGRT 010831.10 9.1 BVE CYGSS 010831.106 12.2 BVE CYGTY 010831.13 10.0 BVE CYGV2275 010831.104 10.2 BVE SGRRY 010831.101 6.2 BVE SGRV4739 010831.096 :10.8 BVE seq. H/T BMU, out of sequence ----- ---------- ----- ---- ------- Erwin van Ballegoij Tarabanaweg 9 Oranjestad - Aruba - Dutch Carribean 00 297 821918 ballegoy@setarnet.aw