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[vsnet-obs 35474] Active RCB Star Updates: CCDV Estimates

Recent observations of active RCB variables:

*VZ Sgr brightening appears to have stalled or another fading episode may be

SGRVZ    20010825.066    13.6V    OCN

*GU Sgr possibly brightened by about 1 magV above the 16th magnitude minimum
recorded earlier this season although I'm not discounting the possibility of
the existance of a very close, faint companion to the variable making
identification difficult. Does anyone know of the existance of such a
companion ?

SGRGU    20010825.077    :15.4V    OCN

*FH Sct has been very slowly creeping up to within about 1 magV of full
maximum however my most recent photometry suggests the star is very slightly
fainter again. Further observations are greatly anticipated !!

SCTFH    20010825.106    12.61V    OCN

*U AQR remains stalled at V magnitude 13 based on the 122 comp shown on
AAVSO chart SE1929:

AQRU    20010825.211    13.65V    OCN

Best regards,

Steve O'Connor

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