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[vsnet-obs 35322] WZ Sagittae on Aug 21 UT (GRL)

Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section

Visual observations of WZ Sagittae

Observer: Bjorn H. Granslo (GRL).
Location: Fjellhamar & Oslo, Norway.
Instruments: 20.3-cm f/10 SCT and 15.2-cm f/5 reflector.
Magnitude references: V-magnitudes from Henden CCD photometry
  (via Sumner sequence), Webbink PEP photometry, and Tycho-1
Observation: Visual, Pogson step estimates.
Contitions: Favourable (sky cleared just before 01h UT).

Object         YYYYMMDD(UT)    Mag   Obs  Instrument Ref
SGEWZ          20010821.040   12.7   GRL  C203;287x  Henden
SGEWZ          20010821.881   11.0   GRL  M152;167x  Webbink+TYC1

Aug 21.040 UT: WZ Sge was 0.2 mag. fainter and 0.1 mag. brighter,
  respectively, than comparison stars of V-magnitudes 12.57 and
  12.78. Class 2 observation.
Aug 21.881 UT: WZ Sge was 0.2 mag. fainter and 0.5 mag. brighter
  respectively, than comparison stars of V-magnitudes 10.83 (from
  TYC1) and 11.53 (Webbink). Class 1 observation.

These observations confirm the major brightening on Aug 21 UT,
reported by M. Uemura [vsnet-altert 6374] and P. Schmeer
[vsnet-alert 6380].

                               Yours sincerely,
                               Bjorn H. Granslo

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