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[vsnet-obs 34627] V1548 Aql Much Redder ! CCDV+R Estimates

Nova Aql 2001 (V1548) recent photometry indicates degree of reddening has
greatly increased from the (already high) V-R values recorded in June 2001.
This star is currently (by far) the reddest object so far measured in my
observing program , upcoming data on V1302 Aql and V1478 Cyg not
withstanding ! For comparison:

N Cyg 2001 on July 19.2 UT......... V-R= +1.07
V1548 Aql  on July 18.3 UT.........  V-R= +2.34
V1178 Sco  on June 27 UT......... V-R= +0.8
ES Aql (Red RCB star) on June 27 UT.........V-R= +1.44
V4018 Sgr (Symbiotic, in visual low-state) on June 27 UT........ V-R= +0.9

Recent V1548 Aql photometry:

AQLV1548   20010718.317   11.95R   OCN
AQLV1548   20010718.320   14.29V   OCN

Best regards,

Steve O'Connor
Montreal, Canada.

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