Estimates magnitude CCD (AUDE) SN2001cp 20010712.952 169CR Nic SN2001cy 20010713.124 160:CR LLA AQLV1548 20010713.081 122C LLA AQLV1548 20010713.088 116Rc LLA AQLV1548 20010713.099 129V LLA AQLV1548 20010713.103 109Ic LLA Observer: Joel Nicolas (Nic); Observatory Vallauris (7°03'14" E-43°34'50" N); Tel:G9+ red 3.3;f=775mm ech=2.4"; camera ST7; software Prism; comparison stars (image Odd Trondal) 160 149 157 138. Image: Observer: Jean Marie Llapasset (LLA): Observatory 635 Perpignan (France);C11;ech=1.6"/pixel;ST7E;filters Shott; software PRiSM; 2001cy:comparison with stars 148,159,142,158,(image O Trondal) Image : AQLV1548: Filter "N":S/N=76;Measure with stars "V" image O Trondal m=12.23+-0.03 = 122C Filter "R" :S/N=83;Measure with color "R" stars:12.5V/12.086R,15.08V/14.487R, 14.41V/13.386R,13.67V/13.044R,(image O Trondal)m=11.59+-0.03 = 116Rc Filter "V": S/N=58; Measure with color "V" stars:12.5V,14.41V,13.67V,13.99V (image O Trondal)m=12.89+-0.04 = 129V Filter "I" :S/N=55; Measure with color "I" stars: 12.5V/11.646I,14.41V/13.235I, 13.67V/12.381I,13.99V/12.668I,(image O Trondal)m=10.85+-0.04 = 109Ic Jean Marie Llapasset Obs 635 Perpignan (France)