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[vsnet-obs 33800] New charts of Nova Aquilae 2001 and GU Sgr.

We have placed a 2.5x3 degrees finderchart of new Nova Aquilae 2001 at
the following URL:
Comparison stars down to magnitude 13.4 were taken from Tycho-1 and
Brian Skiff's LONEOS-file. The latter stars are similar in brightness to
the ones given on the AAVSO d-chart for V1493 Aql (Nova Aql 1999#1),
which appeared only 3/4 degrees north of the new nova.
This sequence can also be used when the nova fades below magnitude 13.5,
or until a new sequence closer to the nova becomes available.

We have also prepared a 15x15' chart for the RCB-star GU Sgr, which is
currently in a deep fade near magnitude 16. It can be downloaded from
the following URL:
We have used mainly the Sumner selection of comparison stars, but have
added several stars in the magnitude 15.7-16.5 range.
We have not included Sumners 'problem' star 18 of magnitude 16.9, which
we actually could not unambigously identify on the red DSS-image.
Maybe this is a variable star? Any comments (Bruce, Arne?) on this would
be welcome.

Reinder Bouma/Edwin van Dijk 
Reinder J. Bouma    e-mail (1): rjbouma@wxs.nl or rjbouma@planet.nl
Bekemaheerd 77      e-mail (2): comets.nl@12move.nl
9737PR Groningen    homepage: http://vsnet.shopplaza.nl/astro/
The Netherlands     phone: +31 (0)50-5418227

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