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[vsnet-obs 33673] Quasar CCDV Estimates

Recently processed image data for selected blazars and other QSO's provide
the following magnitude estimates:

CNCOI090.4   20010423.090   16.6:V   OCN
CNCOI090.4   20010506.087   16.1V   OCN
CNCOI090.4   20010508.090   15.9V   OCN

GEMOI158   20010423.125   14.75V   OCN
GEMOI158   20010508.097   14.7V    OCN

(Note: OI 158 was Vmag. 15 earlier this year)

LEO3C232   20010416.224   15.8V   OCN
LEO3C232   20010508.165   15.9V   OCN

UMA4C29.45   20010423.247   16.5V   OCN
UMA4C29.45   20010508.200   17.1:V   OCN

(Note: 4C29.45 was Vmag. 15 earlier this year)

Best regards to all,

Steve O'Connor
Montreal, Canada.

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