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[vsnet-obs 32878] observations by CAU

Instruments: 15 cm, f/8 Newtonian and 7x40 binoculars
Atmosphere: Passing clouds
CETomicron 20010315.7292 8.3 CAU
CMIS 20010316.7778 11.0 CAU 
CRBR 20010315.8750 6.1 CAU
CRBR 20010316.8750 6.2 CAU
CRBR 20010317.8750 6.1 CAU
GEMR 20010317.8125 10.1 CAU
LEOR 20010315.7917 5.0 CAU
LEOR 20010316.7583 5.2 CAU
LEOR 20010317.7917 5.1 CAU
ORIW 20010316.7500 6.6 CAU
PERY 20010317.7778 9.7 CAU 
PUPV445 20010315.8056 10.0 CAU
PUPV445 20010316.7500 9.8 CAU 
PUPV445 20010317.7500 9.8 CAU 
TAURR 20010315.7639 12.0 CAU 
TAURR 20010316.7708 11.8 CAU   
TRIR 20010317.7257 9.6 CAU
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Alexandria, ROMANIA
e-mail: ndru@starnets.ro
web page: www.angelfire.com/stars/Alexandru

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