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[vsnet-obs 32419] Observations for February 20-21, 2001

Last night's observations:

CAReta              20010221.063      54    OSE
CARHR             20010221.063      69    OSE
CMAkappa        20010221.080      37    OSE
CMAomega       20010221.079      40    OSE
CMAT               20010221.0          92    OSE
CMAW             20010221.046      68    OSE
CMAVY            20010221.042      80    OSE
CMAKV            20010221.0035    72    OSE
CMIAI               20010221.0535    84    OSE
DORR                20010221.015      53    OSE
DORAR             20010221.0243    70    OSE
ERIRR               20010221.0          74    OSE
HIP038226        20010221.0646    67    OSE
HORR               20010221.0          58    OSE
HYAY               20010221.1          65    OSE
LEOR                20010221.1          58    OSE
LEPR                 20010221.0          81    OSE
LEPS                 20010221.0          69    OSE
LEPRX              20010221.0          60    OSE  Rising.
MONU              20010221.072      58    OSE
MONV523        20010221.0          72    OSE
NSV17775        20010221.0306    99    OSE *
ORIW                20010221.0          60    OSE
ORIUX              20010221.0056  103    OSE
ORIUX              20010221.0542  103    OSE
ORIBF               20010221.0063    98    OSE  Bright.
ORICK              20010221.0          62    OSE  Near maximum.
ORIFU               20010221.0549    94    OSE
ORIV586           20010221.0076    97    OSE  Fast recovery.
ORIV1261         20010220.9972    68    OSE
PUPL2               20010221.1          66    OSE  Slowly rising.
PUPV366          20010221.0222    84    OSE  Eclipse
PUPV366          20010221.0389    83    OSE
PUPV366          20010221.0590    82    OSE
PUPV366          20010221.0694    81    OSE
PUPV366          20010221.0868    81    OSE
PUPV406          20010221.1          75    OSE
TAUBU             20010220.99        51    OSE  A little brighter lately.
VELIX               20010221.0326    96    OSE

* = Doubtful variable. Observed exactly as catalogued (V= 9.86). Where does
the CV (NL:) classification come from?

Best regards,

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