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[vsnet-obs 32236] no subject (file transmission)

Observations for February 13, 2001
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
Conditions : clear with moon, typical spring-sky

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

BOOR      20010213.21        8.6   CMG
BOOV      20010213.21        8.6   CMG
BOORR     20010213.21       13.7   CMG
BOORT     20010213.21       13.0   CMG
BOOS      20010213.21       13.4   CMG
LYRW      20010213.21        9.2   CMG
LYRRT     20010213.21       10.1   CMG
UMARU     20010213.21        9.6   CMG
CVNRT     20010213.21       11.3   CMG
CVNR      20010213.21       12.2   CMG
CVNT      20010213.21       11.2   CMG
CVNU      20010213.21       13.4   CMG
CRBR      20010213.221       6.5   CMG  10x50 finder
CRBS      20010213.22        9.9   CMG
CRBT      20010213.222      10.3   CMG
CRBX      20010213.22       11.5   CMG
CRBW      20010213.22       14.4   CMG
CRBV      20010213.22       10.2   CMG
DRAWZ     20010213.22       12.7   CMG
DRAT      20010213.22       11.9   CMG
DRAV      20010213.22       10.7   CMG
CYGR      20010213.22       11.3   CMG
CYGV      20010213.22        9.6   CMG
CYGU      20010213.22        8.4   CMG
CYGV369   20010213.22       10.1   CMG
CYGCHI    20010213.23        6.1   CMG  10x50 finder
SERR      20010213.23        6.3   CMG  10x50 finder
SERS      20010213.23       13.4   CMG
HERRS     20010213.23        8.2   CMG
HERRT     20010213.23       10.2   CMG
HERU      20010213.23        7.8   CMG
HERS      20010213.23       12.4   CMG
HERSY     20010213.23       11.8   CMG
HERT      20010213.23       12.1   CMG
HERRV     20010213.23       11.3   CMG
HERRU     20010213.23       12.1   CMG
HERNP     20010213.23       11.2   CMG
CYGSS     20010213.242      12.2   CMG

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