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[vsnet-obs 31838] SN observation (Ham)

>Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 10:20:27 -0500
From: David Bishop <dbishop@vhdl.org>
Subject: Re: SN2001b,h

Josch Hambsch wrote:
> Dear David,
> I am a novice CCD-observer of supernovae and started just last week with
> some pics of SN2001c (one on your website).

The one via vsnet?  Yes, I work with vsnet on supernovae.

> I have in the meantime also pics
> of SN2001b and h, which I have appended to this mail. I hope you do not
> mind. The information came frome Hans Dannhoff on a german astro list.
> Unfortunately during going from sn2001c to h the mirror of my C8 shifted and
> the pic of sn2001h is not sharp. Anywway I included it since it is my very
> first pic of a SN with mag 17.

The 2001B one is great.  The 2001H one is passable.  You do have the
supernova in it, so we can use it as a datapoint.

> Dates:
> sn2001b,10 minutes exposure ST8 (NABG), mag.14.4 +/- 0.7. Date 14.01.01.
> 19h52 UT
> sn2001h,60 minutes exposure, mag.< 16.8. Date 14.01.01. 21h21 UT

Great!  We need to pass these along to VSnet so that they get in the data.

> If whether permits I will continue to look to your site and try to capture
> some images.

I look forward to more image from you.

David W. Bishop           INTERNET: dbishop@vhdl.org            (  \  )
US MAIL:  Hilton NY 14468-9101      A Long time ago,             \__\/
PHYSICAL: 43:17:17N 77:47:37W 281'  In a Galaxy far, far away...  | |
For Supernova info:  http://vsnet.ggw.org/asras/snimages            | |
For VHDL/Synthesis info:  http://vsnet.vhdl.org/siwg              _/___\_
All standard disclaimers apply.                                [_______]

SN2001B  20010114.828  144:C  Ham
SN2001H  20000114.890 <168C   Ham

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