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[vsnet-obs 31764] Observations January 16.

Variable star observations for January 16.
Observer: Reinder J. Bouma (AAVSO-code BMU).
Instruments: 25.4-cm Jones-Bird reflector and 10x40R.
Sequences: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise.
Conditions: clear with some cirrus patches, cold!

Object    date (UT)         magn.  code  remarks

CYGchi    20010116.78        5.4   BMU
CYGDD     20010116.78       10.9   BMU   seq. Skiff
CYGV482   20010116.783      10.9   BMU
CYGSS     20010116.784       8.4   BMU
CYGV1426  20010116.78       11.1   BMU   seq. H/T+GSC
ANDRX     20010116.785      11.4   BMU
CASW      20010116.79        9.2   BMU
CASV723   20010116.788      14.0   BMU
CASVZ     20010116.79       11.4   BMU
CAST      20010116.79        9.7   BMU
CASSS     20010116.79       12.2   BMU
CASSV     20010116.79        9.0   BMU
ANDZ      20010116.794       9.2   BMU
UMIZ      20010116.795      11.2   BMU
CAMR      20010116.80       13.8   BMU
CAMX      20010116.80       12.0   BMU
CAMZ      20010116.800      13.3   BMU
ORIU      20010116.80        7.9   BMU
TAUSU     20010116.802      12.8   BMU
UMAER     20010116.806      14.1   BMU
PERY      20010116.81        9.5   BMU
PERGK     20010116.809      13.0   BMU
PERS      20010116.81       10.9   BMU   seq. Skiff
PERDY     20010116.812      11.1   BMU
GEMU      20010116.815      14.2   BMU

Reinder J. Bouma    email: rjbouma@wxs.nl or rjbouma@planet.nl
Bekemaheerd 77      homepage: http://vsnet.shopplaza.nl/astro/
9737PR Groningen    
The Netherlands     phone: +31 (0)50-5418227

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