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[vsnet-obs 31665] Obs. 130101 by MUY

Observations for January 13th 2001
Eddy Muyllaert (VVS Belgium - Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren)
Oostende, Belgium

Instrument : C8 SCT
Conditions : very clear winter sky but with bright moon 
All sequences/charts : AAVSO (unless otherwise noted)

Star             UT            Mag
BOOTT     13.231     <143
BOOUZ     13.231     <143
COMAL     13.226     <139
CRBR     13.233     94     Brighter
CRBT     13.233     101
CYGCH     13.244     90
CYGCI     13.247     110
CYGEM     13.250     138:
CYGEY     13.249     <137
CYGSS     13.251     96     Rising
CYGV482     13.247     110     Seq. BAA
CYGV542     13.246     <138
DRAAG     13.227     99
HERAH     13.237     128     Active
HERAM     13.243     141:     Fainter
HERV592     13.236     <141
HERV844     13.235     <141
LEORZ     13.224     <135     
LEOT     13.222     <134
OPHRS     13.240     117
OPHV426     13.242     128     Seq. Henden
SCODELTA     13.253     20
SERR     13.240     55     Naked eye object!
UMABC     13.228     <138
UMACY     13.229     <141
VIRHV     13.225     <134
VIRTW     13.224     <134


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