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[vsnet-obs 31611] Obs. 090101 by MUY

Observations for January 9th 2001
Eddy Muyllaert (VVS Belgium - Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren)
Oostende, Belgium

Instrument : C8 SCT
Conditions : becoming very clear, observations made during very nice total
lunar eclipse!!
All sequences/charts : AAVSO (unless otherwise noted)

Star             UT            Mag
ANDAR     9.835     <136
ANDDX     9.831     <133
ANDLS     9.833     <141     Seq. Henden
ANDLX     9.839     <138             "
ANDPQ     9.840     <141
ANDRX     9.833     13.9:
ANDZ     9.831     92
ARISV     9.837     <140
ARITT     9.836     108
AURSS     9.860     <139
CAMZ     9.863     123     Not yet returned to minimum, faint standstill?
CASAM     9.845     127     Active
CASGX     9.844     <141
CASHT     9.842     <139
CASKU     9.843     <141     Seq. VSNET
CASUV     9.841     108
CASV630     9.842     <141     Seq. VSNET
CNCYZ     9.859     <136
CYGSS     9.830     118     Still no outburst
GEMAW     9.858     <140     Full eclipsed moon about 5 degrees away!
GEMIR     9.856     <136
GEMU     9.858     <138
ORICZ     9.856     <134
PERAX     9.847     118
PERFO     9.851     <141     Seq. VSNET
PERGK     9.851     130
PERKT     9.847     <143
PERTZ     9.850     137     Fading
PERUV     9.848     <141
PERUW     9.849     <141
PERV518     9.853     <139
PSCTY     9.835     <140
TAURR     9.853     125     Fainter again
TAUSU     9.854     135
UMABZ     9.862     <138
UMACH     9.865     <137
UMASU     9.861     <134
UMASW     9.864     <135

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