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[vsnet-obs 31341] December 26th observations

Dear friends:
                  I caught V438 Pup in eclipse !! And this observation
doesn't match with the 5.699 day period suggested in the Hipparcos Catalogue
(that period doesn't even match with the own Hipparcos observations !!) It's
been 3270.4 days since last eclipse and I don't think a period can be
determined only with this data, but I'll try to do something.

First of all, PLEASE DELETE the following observation because of a wrong

PSAVZ        20001225.0104      56    OSE

And these are tonight's observations:

ARIAF            20001226.0125    66    OSE
CAET              20001226.0         80     OSE
CAReta           20001226.076      53    OSE
CETomicron    20001226.0          59    OSE
CMAkappa     20001226.04        36    OSE
CMAomega     20001226.1          40    OSE
CMAW           20001226.08        69    OSE
COLT              20001226.0         72    OSE
DORbeta         20001226.0347    40    OSE
HIP038226     20001226.0674    67    OSE
LEPS               20001226.1          71    OSE
LEPRX            20001226.0         58    OSE
MONU           20001226.08        65    OSE   Rapid rising
MONV523     20001226.1          72    OSE
NSV00768     20001226.0160    69    OSE
ORIalpha        20001226.1          06    OSE
ORIeta            20001226.0354    35    OSE
ORIW             20001226.0          65    OSE
ORIV1261      20001226.0201    70    OSE
ORIV1365      20001226.0          69    OSE
PHESX           20001226.0319    75    OSE
PSAVZ           20001226.0278    56    OSE
PUPL2            20001226.1          61    OSE
PUPV365        20001226.0611   78    OSE
PUPV438        20001226.0653   61    OSE   Eclipse !!!
PUPV438        20001226.0743   61    OSE   Eclipse !!!
PUPV438        20001226.0819   61    OSE   Eclipse !!!
PUPV438        20001226.0924   62    OSE   Eclipse !!!
TAUBU           20001226.0         52    OSE
VELdelta         20001226.0257  1.95   OSE
VELAI             20001226.0729   64    OSE

Old observations:

VELAI            19991017.2986    66     OSE
PUPV438       19990930.2792    60     OSE
PUPV438       19991017.2910    60     OSE

Best regards,

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