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[vsnet-obs 31045] Re: DV Dra

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Taichi Kato wrote:

> > Thank you very much! And what is the bright (about 15 mag) data point on
> > the VSNET light curve for DV Dra, observed in 2000?
>     This observation refers to that reported by Gary Poyner on 2000 Apr.
> 22.931 (vsnet-obs 27331).  He reported two observations of DV Dra on that
> night, one is positive and the other negative.  I think he will be able
> to check his record to see whether there was an outburst or not.
Checking through my records, I do have a positive observation of DV Dra
at 15.1 for that date and time.  However, I can tell from the comparison
stars used (and the derived magnitude) that this should indeed be DO Dra.
Obviously a typing error that had escaped my (and others) notice.

Gary Poyner

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