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[vsnet-obs 3077] VSNET CV Circular 1996.07 (up to July 9)

    VSNET CV  Circular  1996.07  (up to July 9)   (JD 0d = 50265)
                                           edited by Kat
                      Dwarf Novae

RX And     (UGZ) 117(1) 120(4) 119(5) 119(6) 120(7) 117(8) BMM,BMU,KSL,Wnt
AR And     (UGSS) <135(5) Wnt
DX And     (UGSS) 140(1) JEN,Wnt
FO Aql     (UG) <145(4) <145(7) BMM
KX Aql     (UG) <151(4) <156(7) <156(8) BMM
V725 Aql   (UG) <141(7) JSD
TT Boo     (UGSU) <157(4) <157(6) <157(7) <156(8) BMM
Z  Cam     (UGZ) 116(4) 116(5) 115(6) 116(7) 116(8) BMM,BMU
FI Cas     (UG) <158(8) BMM
GX Cas     (UGSU) <152(8) BMM
HT Cas     (UGSU+E) <147(5) <151(7) <151(8) BMM
VAR21 CrB  (UG) <172(2) <139(7) JEN,JSD
SS Cyg     (UGSS) 95(1) 102(3) 109(4) 111(5) 118(6) 119(7) 118(8) BMM,BMU,
EM Cyg     (UGZ) 126(1) 125(3) 126(4) 127(5) 137(7) 138(8) 138(9) BMM,KSL
V503 Cyg   (UGSU) <150(5) <150(7) <150(8) BMM
V630 Cyg   (UGSU:) <156(4) <156(7) <156(8) BMM
V632 Cyg   (UG) <158(4) <154(7) <158(8) BMM
V795 Cyg   (UG) <164(2) <164(8) JEN
V811 Cyg   (UG) <153(5) <150(7) <150(8) BMM
V1028 Cyg  (UGSU) <161(4) <156(6) <161(7) BMM
V1060 Cyg  (UG) <162(2) <163(8) JEN
V1251 Cyg  (UGSU) <148(2) JEN
V1316 Cyg  (UG) 144(2) 141(8) JEN
V1504 Cyg  (UGSU) <155(8) JEN
AB Dra     (UGZ) 135(1) 124(3) 128(5) 138(6) 141(7) 145(8) BMM
AH Her     (UGZ) 116(5) BMM
AY Lyr     (UGSU) <134(1) <149(4) <134(5) <149(6) <155(7) <149(8) BMM,Wnt
CY Lyr     (UG) <148(4) 132(6) 135(7) 143(8) BMM
DM Lyr     (UG) <148(4) 142:(7) 146(8) BMM,BRO,JEN,JSD
LL Lyr     (UG) <148(4) <154(6) <148(7) <148(8) BMM
V493 Lyr   (UG) <137(6) <141(8) JSD,Ths
V426 Oph   (UG) 129(5) Wnt
RU Peg     (UGSS) 125(1) 125(5) 126(6) Wnt
IP Peg     (UGSS+E) <138(8) BMM
RZ Sge     (UGSU) <163(4) <163(7) <150(8) BMM,JSD
WZ Sge     (UGSU+E) <126(1) 150(2) <143(5) <143(8) JEN,JSD,Wnt
FY Vul     (UGZ:) 135(4) 138(7) BMM

          Other Cataclysmic and Peculiar Objects

DZ And     (RCB??/CST?) at maximum, 101(1) Wnt
HP And     (UG?) <144(5) Wnt
LS And     (NA:/UG:) <141(5) Wnt
V500 Aql   (NA) <123(1) Wnt
V603 Aql   (NA) 113(7) JSD
nova1995 Aql (NA) 139(7) BMU
XX Cam     (RCB) at maximum, 76(1) JSD
BC Cas     (NA:) <140(5) Wnt
V592 Cas   (NLUX) 124(5) Wnt
V615 Cas   (X-ray) 110(5) Wnt
V705 Cas   (NB) 135 BMM,BMU
nova1995 Cas (NB) 92-101 BMM,BMU,GRL,JEN,KSL,LTO,Wnt
R  CrB     (RCB) 78-82 BMM,BMU,GRL,JSD,KSL,Kat,LTO,Mkn,Ths,Wnt
T  CrB     (NR) at minimum, 99-103 BMU,GRL,JSD,KSL,Kat,Mkn,Wnt
BF Cyg     (ZAND) 117-120 KSL,Wnt
CH Cyg     (ZAND+E:) 96-103 BMU,GRL,JSD,Kat,LTO,Mkn,Ths,Wnt
CI Cyg     (ZAND+E) at minimum, 112(1) Wnt
V482 Cyg   (RCB) 118-123 BMM,BMU,KSL,Mkn
V1057 Cyg  (FU) 125-130 BMM,Wnt
V1329 Cyg  (ZAND/NC+E) 134(5) Wnt
V1330 Cyg  (NA) <128(1) Wnt
V1331 Cyg  (FU) 123(1) Wnt
V1515 Cyg  (FU) 127(1) Wnt
P  Cyg     (SDOR) 47(2) Ths
HR Del     (NB) at minimum, 114-115 Wnt
AG Dra     (ZAND) 90-91 JSD
YY Her     (ZAND) at minimum, 131(7) JSD
DQ Her     (NB+NLDQ+E) 148(2) 156(7)! 151(8) JEN
V443 Her   (ZAND) at minimum, 116-120 JSD,Wnt
V446 Her   (NA) 171(7) otherwise negative JEN
V592 Her   (UG:) possibly at minimum, <142(7) JSD
V795 Her   (NL) 125(1) Wnt
HR Lyr     (NA) 158(7) otherwise negative JEN,JSD
MV Lyr     (NLAD) at minimum, 156(7) otherwise negative BMM,JSD
RS Oph     (NR) 110-117 BMU,JSD,Wnt
AG Peg     (ZAND) 88(7) JSD
AX Per     (ZAND+E) at minimum, 120-123 KSL,Wnt
GK Per     (NA+DN) at minimum, 131(5) Wnt
V471 Per   (ZAND) 132(5) Wnt
FS Sct     (NA:) <138(7) JSD
V368 Sct   (NA) <132(5) Wnt
V373 Sct   (NA) <125(5) Wnt
nova1981 Sct (N??) <119(7) JSD
V  Sge     (NL+E) 125(1) 108(5) 111(6) Wnt
SS Sge     (ZAND/NC) <126(1) Wnt
SV Sge     (RCB) at maximum, 106-111 JSD,KSL
WZ Sge     (UGSU+E) at minimum, 150(2) otherwise negative JEN,JSD,Wnt
FG Sge     (PN) <125-<129 Wnt
HM Sge     (ZAND/NC) 117-118 JSD,Wnt
HS Sge     (NA) <152 BMM
QW Sge     (ZAND) 114-121 JSD,Wnt
GU Sgr     (RCB) 112(5) Wnt
V348 Sgr   (RCB) <130(5) Wnt
V3885 Sgr  (NLUX) 108(5) Wnt
V4021 Sgr  (NA) <130(5) Wnt
UX UMa     (NLUX+E) 129-131 Wnt
RZ Vul     (pulsating?) 127(8) JSD
WW Vul     (ISA) at maximum, 106(5) KSL
PU Vul     (ZAND/NC) 116 BMU,Wnt
GD552      (CV) <125-<132 Wnt
NGC4151    (Seyfert) 108(1) Wnt
SN1996ai   (SNIa) <136(6) Ths

Key to observers

BMM M. Biesmans
BMU R. J. Bouma
BRO E. Broens
GRL B. H. Granslo
JEN L. T. Jensen
JSD J. S. Day
KSL L. Kiss
Kat T. Kato
LTO T. Lange
Mkn N. Makiguchi
Ths S. Takahashi
Wnt T. Watanabe

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