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[vsnet-obs 3058] Observations July 6.

Variable star observations for July 6.
Observer: Reinder J. Bouma (AAVSO-code BMU).
Instrument: 25.4-cm Jones-Bird reflector.

Object      Date        Mag   code

ANDRX     960706.979   12.1   BMU
CAMZ      960706.981   11.5   BMU
CASN95    960706.980   10.1   BMU
CRBR      960706.983    7.9   BMU
CRBT      960706.983   10.3   BMU
CYGCH     960706.992   10.2   BMU
CYGSS     960706.978   11.8   BMU
CYGV482   960706.985   11.8   BMU
OPHRS     960706.999   11.3   BMU
UMIZ      960706.982   12.8   BMU
VULPU     960706.986   11.6   BMU

LYRSiebersusp. 960706.998  13.5:  BMU   Comparisons from GSC.
Field does not look much different from Vehrenberg Chart.
Star may be constant or small amplitude variable?

Reinder J. Bouma          email: rjbouma@pi.net
Bekemaheerd 77            phone: +31 (0)50-5418227
9737PR  Groningen
The Netherlands

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