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[vsnet-obs 28867] CH Cyg FG Sge (Trondal)

CH Cyg  FG Sge (Trondal)

From: "Odd Trondal" <otrondal@online.no>
Subject: CH Cyg  FG Sge variable stars.
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 02:56:39 -0000

  observed CH Cyg and FG Sge visual and with CCD. Used standard AAVSO =
map and comparison stars.

CYGCH           20000731.890    88  TOL     ( Comp. stars 94 86 )
SGEFG           20000731.927  100  TOL     ( Comp. stars 91 118 )

New pictures and spectra :

Yours Sincerely
Odd Trondal

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