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[vsnet-obs 28090] Observations June 7/8

Variable star observations for June 7/8.
Observer: Reinder J. Bouma (AAVSO-code BMU)
Instruments: 31.0-cm Jones-Bird reflector and 7x50B.
Sequences: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise.
Conditions: twilight, good transparant sky.

Object    date (UT)       magn.  code  remarks

CRBR      000607.922       6.2   BMU
CRBT      000607.923      10.5   BMU
CRBS      000607.92       12.3   BMU
OPHRS     000607.927      11.7   BMU
OPHV426   000607.929      12.3   BMU
CYGCH     000607.932       9.2   BMU
CYGU      000607.93       10.6   BMU
CYGV482   000607.937      10.9   BMU
CYGSS     000607.939      11.7   BMU
VULPU     000607.940      11.8   BMU
SGEV      000607.941      11.5   BMU
AQLR      000607.94       10.3   BMU
AQLV1494  000607.944      10.2   BMU   seq. H/T
AQLCI     000607.947      11.7   BMU   seq. H/T+Henden
UMIZ      000607.949      11.1   BMU
CAMR      000607.95       10.9   BMU
CAMX      000607.95       10.1   BMU
CAMZ      000607.955      12.9   BMU
PERS      000607.96       10.9   BMU   seq. Skiff
PERU      000607.96        8.3   BMU
PERDY     000607.962      11.7   BMU
XTEJ1118+480  000607.965  12.8   BMU   seq. Henden
UMAER     000607.969      13.5   BMU
UMAZ      000607.97        7.6   BMU
UMAS      000607.97       10.6   BMU
UMAT      000607.98       12.4   BMU
UMARS     000607.98       11.3   BMU
UMAR      000607.98       11.5   BMU
CASV723   000607.983      13.8   BMU
CASVZ     000607.99       13.2   BMU
CEPAE     000607.99       11.3   BMU   seq. H/T+GSC
HERT      000607.99        8.8   BMU
HERTV     000608.00       12.7   BMU
HERU      000608.00       11.8   BMU
PEGRU     000608.004      10.7   BMU

Reinder J. Bouma          email: rjbouma@wxs.nl
Bekemaheerd 77               or: rjbouma@planet.nl
9737PR Groningen
The Netherlands           phone: +31 (0)50-5418227

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