CMAHL 20000517.4410 122 Pea RXJ0640-24 20000517.4444 115 Pea CMAWZ 20000517.4479 143 Pea PUPBV 20000517.4514 137 Pea HYIVW 20000517.4701 87 Pea HYAEX 20000517.5417 132 Pea CENV359 20000517.5486 143 Pea VELV382 20000517.5500 103 Pea CENBV 20000517.8007 122 Pea NORHP 20000517.8042 140 Pea AQLCI 20000517.8375 102 Pea (fainter than last night's observation) AQLV1494 20000517.8382 99 Pea TELKK 20000517.8465 136 Pea INDTU 20000517.8479 >147 Pea AQLFO 20000517.8521 142 Pea Regards Andrew Pearce Western Australia 41cm reflector ***************************************************************** Clough Engineering Ltd A.C.N. 009 093 869 This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately. *****************************************************************