>From: "Odd Trondal" <otrondal@online.no> Subject: SN1999gi in NGC 3184 Rmag.15 Bmag.16 Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 17:20:09 -0000 Hello, because the green image was a failure at the time beeing, I allmost forgot to process this one, but at last here it is : SN1999gi in NGC 3184 @ approx. 15 ( Red filter ) and 16 ( Blue filter ) 2000 Mar 21.92 UT. The slightly reddening of the SN is just visible(?) in the last color picture at : http://vsnet.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Garage/9531/ngc3184.htm SN1999gi 20000321.92 150:R TOL SN1999gi 20000321.92 160:B TOL Yours sincerely Odd Trondal