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[vsnet-obs 27208] no subject (file transmission)

Observations for April 10, 2000
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
Conditions : very fine spring-sky

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

CAMZ      20000410.074      11.5   CMG
OPHBC     20000410.07       12.8   CMG
OPHV759   20000410.07       12.0   CMG
OPHT      20000410.07       13.8   CMG
OPHUZ     20000410.077      10.8   CMG
OPHVW     20000410.08       13.9   CMG
CYGSS     20000410.083      11.6   CMG
OPHV450   20000410.08       11.4   CMG
LYRWZ     20000410.08       14.3   CMG
LYRCE     20000410.08       11.5   CMG
LYRRS     20000410.09       14.3   CMG
LYRRW     20000410.09       14.3   CMG
LYRRU     20000410.09       14.6   CMG
LYRSS     20000410.09       14.5   CMG
LYRRX     20000410.10       14.9   CMG
LYRTW     20000410.10       13.1   CMG
OPHR      20000410.10        9.3   CMG
CYGV482   20000410.110      11.2   CMG
CYGDH     20000410.11       13.5   CMG
CYGFL     20000410.11       12.5   CMG
CYGFU     20000410.11       12.5   CMG
CYGIZ     20000410.11       12.7   CMG
AQLRU     20000410.11       14.5   CMG
DELY      20000410.11       10.6   CMG
DELX      20000410.11       13.1   CMG
DELZ      20000410.11      :14.5   CMG  twilight
DELR      20000410.11       12.5   CMG
DRAAB     20000410.138      13.0   CMG

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