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[vsnet-obs 26777] no subject (file transmission)

Observations for March 9, 2000
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10
Conditions : short very clear period, later clouds

Star      Date UT         Mag    code

GEMU      20000309.855       9.4   CMG
CNCYZ     20000309.856      11.9   CMG
CNCSY     20000309.856      12.6   CMG
CAMZ      20000309.859      11.5   CMG
ORIR      20000309.85       11.7   CMG
ORIS      20000309.85       12.5   CMG
ORIU      20000309.85       11.0   CMG
ORIV      20000309.85       12.8   CMG
ORIRR     20000309.85       11.6   CMG
ORIY      20000309.85       10.2   CMG
TAURX     20000309.85       10.8   CMG
TAUR      20000309.85       13.4   CMG
TAUS      20000309.85       12.9   CMG
TAUV      20000309.85        9.4   CMG
TAURR     20000309.865      11.5   CMG
TAUSU     20000309.865      12.5   CMG
TAUZ      20000309.86       12.7   CMG
SEXS      20000309.86       12.1   CMG
PERR      20000309.86       10.3   CMG
HYAS      20000309.86       11.5   CMG
HYAT      20000309.86       12.1   CMG
AURUV     20000309.86        9.8   CMG
PERS      20000309.86       11.3   CMG
PERY      20000309.86        9.3   CMG
PERU      20000309.86       10.3   CMG
CNCUY     20000309.86       11.2   CMG
CNCR      20000309.86       10.1   CMG
CNCV      20000309.87       10.9   CMG

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