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[vsnet-obs 26735] V1494 Aql - 2000 Feb 2 to Mar 5 UT (NAS.VSS)

Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section

1918+04  V1494 AQUILAE (Nova Aql 1999 No. 2)

Further observations by NAS.VSS observers:

Object    YYMMDD(UT)   Mag  Obs  Instrum.    Observation
AQLV1494  000202.24    9.0  MOK  M316;104x   n 3 v 5 q
AQLV1494  000203.23    9.1  MOK  M316;104x   n 4 v 4 q
AQLV1494  000211.21    8.4  MOK  M316;104x   m 3 v 3 n
AQLV1494  000216.20    8.6  MOK  M316;104x   m 7 v 2 n
AQLV1494  000217.21    8.6  MOK  M316;104x   m 6 v 2 n
AQLV1494  000221.18    9.2  MOK  M316;104x   n 5 v 3 q
AQLV1494  000225.19    9.2  MOK  M316;104x   n 5 v 3 q
AQLV1494  000304.174   8.9  ABG  B20x80      6-2;8+2 [2]
AQLV1494  000305.174   9.2  ABG  B20x80      6-4;7-2;8=V;9+5[1]

ABG = Birger Andresen (Trondheim, Norway). Instrument: 20x80
  binoculars (B20x80). Observations are Pogson step estimates
  using the NAS.VSS sequence.
MOK = Ornulf Midtskogen (Tranby, Norway). Instrument: 31.6-cm
  reflector (M316). Observations are Argelander step estimates
  and based on his personal sequence.

                                Yours sincerely,
                                Bjorn H. Granslo
                               [Director, NAS.VSS]

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