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[vsnet-obs 26528] Observations February 22-25

Variable star observation for February 22-25.
Observer: Reinder J. Bouma (AAVSO-code BMU)
Instruments: 25.4-cm Jones-Bird reflector and 15x80B.
Sequences: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise.

Object    date            magn.  code  remarks

CRBR      000222.972       6.3   BMU
CYGSS     000225.771      12.0   BMU
CYGCH     000225.772       8.0   BMU
CYGU      000225.77        8.2   BMU
ANDRX     000225.774      11.9   BMU
ANDUW     000225.78       12.7   BMU   seq. GSC
ANDT      000225.78       11.9   BMU
ANDTU     000225.78       12.0   BMU
ANDYZ     000225.79        9.9   BMU
ANDRW     000225.79       12.9   BMU
ANDRR     000225.80        8.6   BMU
ANDV      000225.80       11.7   BMU
ANDZ      000225.810      10.7   BMU
UMIZ      000225.810      11.1   BMU
CAMZ      000225.811      13.1   BMU
CASV723   000225.812      13.5   BMU
PERS      000225.81       11.4   BMU   seq. Skiff
PERU      000225.81       10.8   BMU
PERDY     000225.816      11.8   BMU
TAUSU     000225.817      12.9   BMU
TAURR     000225.820      11.8   BMU
TAUS      000225.83       13.3   BMU
AURUV     000225.83       10.1   BMU   seq. H/T
AURSS     000225.830      10.8   BMU
GEMU      000225.831      14.2   BMU
LEOX      000225.833      12.5   BMU
UMASW     000225.836      11.7   BMU

Reinder J. Bouma          email: rjbouma@wxs.nl
Bekemaheerd 77               or: rjbouma@planet.nl
9737PR Groningen
The Netherlands           phone: +31 (0)50-5418227

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