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[vsnet-obs 26223] Apparent brightening on V1494 Aquilae

Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section

1918+04  V1494 AQUILAE (Nova Aql 1999 No. 2)

The following visual observations indicate that this nova has
brightened considerably since last week:

Object    YYMMDD(UT)   Mag  Obs  Instrum.    Observation
AQLV1494  000131.229   9.1  ABG  B20x80      7-1;8+1 [class 1]
AQLV1494  000201.229   9.4  ABG  B20x80      7-4;8-2 [2]
AQLV1494  000208.228   8.0  GRL  C203;100x)  3-3;4=V;5+3 [2]

Magnitudes deduced using the NAS.VSS sequence with V magnitudes
from the Tycho catalogue (ESA 1997). [Charts and sequence
available from http://vsnet.astro.uio.no/~bgranslo/V1494_Aql.html].

Observers (AAVSO code, name, and observing location):
ABG = Birger Andresen (Trondheim, Norway).
GRL = Bjorn H. Granslo (Fjellhamar, Norway).

                             Yours sincerely,
                             Bjorn H. Granslo.

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