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[vsnet-obs 25578] Obs. 291299 by MUY

Observations for December 29th 1999
Eddy Muyllaert (VVS Belgium - Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren)
Oostende, Belgium

Instrument : C8 SCT
Conditions : very clear with some cumulus, half moon present 
All sequences/charts : AAVSO (unless otherwise noted)

Star             UT            Mag
BOOTT     29.239     <13.9
BOOUZ     29.241     <14.3
CAMZ     29.229     13.1
CNCAT     29.217     <14.0
CNCSY     29.218     12.6        Outburst? / Fading?
CNCYZ     29.215     12.8        Active
COMAL     29.237     <13.9
CRBR     29.243     7.4        Brighter
CRBT     29.244     10.3
DRADO     29.235     <14.3
HERAH     29.247     11.4        Outburst
HERV844     29.249     <14.1
LEOT     29.221     <13.4
LEOX     29.219     <13.5
UMABC     29.232     <14.0
UMABZ     29.226     <13.8
UMACH     29.233     <13.7
UMACY     29.231     13.0        Fading
UMASU     29.225     13.8
UMASW     29.228     <13.9
VIRTW     29.223     <13.4

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