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[vsnet-obs 25168] V1494 Aql

Hot observation of V1494 Aquilae:

AQLV1494       19991207.6771     57    RMQ

thin cirrus
20x60 binoculars, Szamotuly, Poland, H/T seq.

| Maciej Reszelski                                         
| Al. 1-go Maja 29/4                                       
| 64500 Szamotuly                                          
| Poland                                                   
| e-mail:                                                  
| macres@poczta.onet.pl         (Home)                     
| macres@hoth.amu.edu.pl        (Institute of Physics)     
| macres@juno.astro.amu.edu.pl  (Poznan Univ. Observatory) 
| www:                                                     
| Observations: http://republika.pl/macres            
| Homepage:     http://juno.astro.amu.edu.pl/~macres       

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