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[vsnet-obs 24907] Observations - November 14 - 19 1999 (RMQ)

Observations - November 14/15 1999 (RMQ)

  Observer   : Maciej Reszelski, Szamotuly, Poland 
               (AAVSO code: RMQ; AFOEV code: Res)
  Conditions : Clear and dark
  Instruments: 20x60 binoc.
  AAVSO seq. 

AURZ          19991114.78    105  RMQ
BOOR          19991114.78     77  RMQ
BOOS          19991114.78     85  RMQ
BOOV          19991114.78     90  RMQ
CEPS          19991114.77     85  RMQV
CEPT          19991114.77     98  RMQ
CEPW          19991114.77     74  RMQ
CEPY          19991114.77    106  RMQ
CEPRX         19991114.77     81  RMQ
CEPDM         19991114.77     75  RMQ
CRBS          19991114.78     75  RMQ
CRBRR         19991114.78     75  RMQ
CRBRS         19991114.78     79  RMQ
BOOR          19991114.78     77  RMQ
CYGSS         19991114.77     90  RMQ
CYGCH         19991114.77     82  RMQ
CYGV460       19991114.77     67  RMQ
CYGV1070      19991114.77     72  RMQ
HERS          19991114.77     86  RMQ
HERU          19991114.77     75  RMQ
HERAC         19991114.77     86  RMQ
HERalpha      19991114.78     35  RMQ
SCTR          19991114.77     56  RMQ
SGER          19991114.77     96  RMQ
SGRRR         19991114.77     64  RMQ
VULV          19991114.77     98  RMQ

Observations - November 15/16 1999 (RMQ)

  Observer   : Maciej Reszelski, Szamotuly, Poland 
               (AAVSO code: RMQ; AFOEV code: Res)
  Conditions : Clear and dark
  Instruments: 20x60 binoc.
  AAVSO seq. 

CMAW          19991116.06     73  RMQ
CMIR          19991116.06     85  RMQ
CMIS          19991116.06     80  RMQ
CNCR          19991116.06     65  RMQ
CYGSS         19991115.80     92  RMQ
CYGCH         19991115.80     81  RMQ
GEMR          19991116.06     69  RMQ
HYAS          19991116.10     94  RMQ
LEOR          19991116.10     90  RMQ
MONU          19991116.10     63  RMQ
UMAVY         19991115.80     65  RMQ

Observations - November 18/19 1999 (RMQ)

  Observer   : Maciej Reszelski, Szamotuly, Poland 
               (AAVSO code: RMQ; AFOEV code: Res)
  Conditions : Clear and dark
  Instruments: 20x60 binoc.
  AAVSO seq. 

AQLR          19991118.80     78  RMQ
AQLV          19991118.80     74  RMQ
DELR          19991118.80     88  RMQ
DELU          19991118.80     73  RMQ
DELZ          19991118.80     98  RMQ
DELCT         19991118.80     78  RMQ
DELCZ         19991118.80     83  RMQ
DELEU         19991118.80     63  RMQ
OPHRY         19991118.80     83  RMQ
SCTR          19991118.80     53  RMQ
SCTS          19991118.80     69  RMQ
SGRT          19991118.80     85  RMQ

| Maciej Reszelski                                         
| Al. 1-go Maja 29/4                                       
| 64500 Szamotuly                                          
| Poland                                                   
| e-mail:                                                  
| macres@poczta.onet.pl         (Home)                     
| macres@hoth.amu.edu.pl        (Institute of Physics)     
| macres@juno.astro.amu.edu.pl  (Poznan Univ. Observatory) 
| www:                                                     
| Observations: http://republika.pl/macres            
| Homepage:     http://juno.astro.amu.edu.pl/~macres       

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