Observations for September 26, 1999 Observer : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG) Instrument : 30.5-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain f/10 Conditions : clear with moonlight (only a short session caused by an inflammation of the jaw) Star Date UT Mag code ANDRX 990926.871 11.4 CMG CRBR 990926.872 10.7 CMG CAMZ 990926.874 13.0 CMG CYGSS 990926.877 8.6 CMG CYGKM 990926.88 13.1 CMG CYGV482 990926.880 11.1 CMG UMIZ 990926.880 11.5 CMG PEGRU 990926.881 12.6 CMG PEGRR 990926.88 11.0 CMG PEGT 990926.88 11.7 CMG PEGZ 990926.88 11.7 CMG PEGX 990926.88 9.9 CMG DRAAB 990926.885 13.0 CMG CEPX 990926.89 12.4 CMG CYGV1426 990926.89 11.4 CMG CYGV369 990926.89 11.0 CMG CYGCU 990926.89 11.0 CMG LYRMV 990926.889 12.7 CMG SGEV 990926.890 11.8 CMG -- Georg Comello | Tel. : (31)-50-3634050 Kapteyn Laboratorium | Fax : (31)-50-3636100 University of Groningen | E-mail: comello@astro.rug.nl P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen | The Netherlands |